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Tag: Volleyball

Goodbye Philistine

Goodbye Philistine

Dear Friend,  You know how often people who break up have to have one last little fling before they end things for real? You know, you’ve broken up but you run into your ex by your bodega and he asks if you wanna get coffee and just catch up a little, and you say of course, and suddenly before you know what hit you, you have to break up all over again?   Well. I feel this is where we…

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A Guide for the Average Mennonite Who Wishes to be Less Average

A Guide for the Average Mennonite Who Wishes to be Less Average

Jobs to have besides working in the minibarn industry: Be a florist. Try interior design. Do mosaic tiling in kitchens. Be a cardiothoracic surgeon. Be a janitor for the cardiothoracic surgeon. Drive a school bus. Design hair bows to sell on Etsy. Write guidebooks for obscure places nobody has thought to review, such as the tiny little town of Mocksville, NC. Be a chef. Become world famous for your taco-making skills. Topics of conversation to discuss besides minibarns and volleyball:…

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