My Life Is a Hallmark Movie…Backwards
All that is really left for me to complete my reverse Hallmark journey is to forget the true meaning of Christmas and spend Christmas Eve hastily churning out work to meet deadlines for my stringent boss.
All that is really left for me to complete my reverse Hallmark journey is to forget the true meaning of Christmas and spend Christmas Eve hastily churning out work to meet deadlines for my stringent boss.
Well, it’s not exactly mid-engagement. It’s 262 days since getting engaged, and 30 days till the wedding. You do the math. But who’s counting? (Me, I’m counting months and days and weeks and seconds, don’t mind me, and today it’s one month away!) So what does it feel like to be 89.7% of the way through my engagement? There are several primary emotions battling for top place, along with a plethora of secondary emotions because I am nothing if not…
Last week I moved to the apartment Ian and I will share in…65 days. Moving is odd, because afterward I feel exhausted and stressed and just want to go home and veg on my own couch. And I technically can, but then I realize that my house doesn’t feel like home, and I don’t know where anything is, and there is nowhere in the whole world I can go right now that feels quite homey. Of course, the feeling wears…
Hi Friends, First of all, if you are in the stage of life where yet another wedding post coming across your feed makes you weary, please just close your browser and go eat a chocolate chip cookie instead. I have often been you, and as such, I am very conscious at all times of talking too much about my wedding or love or any such thing. Do I still weary my friends with it? Probably, but you should see all…
Food I recently made brunch for a friend who is gluten-free. I decided upon shakshuka, one of my favorite meals to throw together, but wasn’t sure what carbs to eat it with, since I usually have it with a side of bread. And then inspiration struck me and I thought, why not grits! So I cooked up a pot of stone-ground grits full of butter, spooned a little bed onto each plate, and topped them with a hefty serving of…
My wedding dress shopping journey started before I was engaged to be married, but when we had been seriously talking about a life together. I went thrift shopping with my friend Lydia, because I’d heard rumor of a certain thrifting chain in Manhattan having wedding dresses, and it was a dream of mine to find my dress at a thrift store. Beyond the obvious perk of saving money, it’s just such a me thing. I mean, thrift shopping is basically…
Honey, sit down and let me tell you the story of my life. Or more specifically, the story of all my NYC moves, and the gray hairs I have earned over them. As anyone who knows anything about New York City knows, apartment shopping here is no joke. What is the opposite of a joke… maybe a funeral? If so, apartment shopping here is a funeral. Besides the small fact that everything costs as much each month as your great-grandparents…
A plague on your head, oh Tuesday, You reek like the sweat on my feet You suck my soul dry like a desert And at last, I admit defeat. I’ve tried to be joyful, and like you, I’ve tried to count blessings like sheep, I’ve tried to just buck up and take you, But every time, I fall in a heap. You’re worse than the long lines at Goodwill, You’re worse than a bleeding hangnail, You’re worse than…
Dear friend, March in North Carolina is a profusion of bursting spring and warm days and bare feet, and it’s a lovely month. In New York, not so much. There are signs of life, such as the tiny little crocuses braving the wind, which I walk past every day on my commute, and admire. The still-necessary coats require ever so slightly less down lining, and the occasional bare ankle or cracked window can be braved. But all that aside, March…
Have you ever watched Vogue’s 73 Questions videos? An anonymous interviewer whose face we never see shows up at the door of a celebrity’s house, knocks, and when invited in, follows them around as they make coffee or pet their cat or walk around their pool, asking them questions the whole time. I’ve always enjoyed watching them, seeing the amazing houses these people live in, and hearing their fun answers and quips in response to the rapid-fire interview questions. Recently,…
It’s been a while since I posted anything here, I know. I’ve been writing, believe it or not, just not the postable kind of things. Lately it’s been spreadsheets full of budget items, and lists of people I know, and emails about flowers and vacations and such things, because you guessed it, I’m getting married! At the end of 2023 I sat at a coffee shop with my friend Lyn and we both wrote lofty goals and dreams for 2024….
I have the worst addiction to lists. Give me a blank google doc and a bunch of bullet points to fill and I’m as happy as a clam. You know those people who would gladly make lists to organize their lists? That’s me. I am those people. I also love resolutions and bucket lists. They help me keep my goals on track and to dream realistically- or sometimes wildly- about all the things I’d like to accomplish. I have a…