Fine Wine Versus Plexus Slim

Fine Wine Versus Plexus Slim

Aging. It’s a funny thing, isn’t it. We humans try desperately to cling to the remaining vestiges of our youth in an attempt to ignore the inevitable. As I’m practically a babe in the woods still, I don’t have much experience with aging. And yet, I find it knocking on my consciousness in unexpected ways. At Youth Retreat, when I watch all the sixteen-year-olds cavort about and I just want to go to bed, suddenly I feel old. When I find out that someone with two children and a home business is only my age, I can practically feel the wrinkles growing as I think about how little I’ve accomplished yet. Quarter life crises are a real thing, y’all.

Recently Lyn and I were talking about how we feel like we don’t quite fit in with the youth group anymore, how we just feel old compared to the plethora of little squirts growing up and joining our group. But then we came up with an analogy which quite cheered me.

Lyn said, “We are like fine wine, compared to teenagers.”

“Yes,” said I, “We are fine wine and aged cheese. And teenagers are like Plexus Slim.



And just a little bit annoying.”

Suddenly I’m quite happy to be mid-twenties and not have to deal with the drama and emotional upheaval of being a tender whippersnapper any longer. Life has mellowed me and made a lot of massive worries and problems shrink into better perspective. You learn, after some of the teen angst has passed, that the sun does still rise every morning, and that the years do a lot to heal relationships and bring freedom and solve impossible problems.

So. Here’s to embracing the aging process, because it has a lot more pros than cons. Cheers!

P.S. Do you all want to hear more about what it’s like to be an old maid pretty-young-but-older-than-some single girl?

Disclaimer #1. I love many teenagers, and some of them are actually pretty awesome, and a lot more accomplished and mature than me.

Disclaimer #2. Plexus promoters, put away your swords and stones. You’re probably awesome too, underneath all the selling and promoting. 🙂 

9 thoughts on “Fine Wine Versus Plexus Slim

  1. Loved this! Your titles are just great! And I so relate, I had this assumption that by the time my 20s were gone, I’d be heading into oldie land, fat and frumpy with just cleaning and cooking to do with my life. Funny, how I’m enjoying my 30s way more than the years that have flown by. I’m inspired by other cultures’ respect and embrace of age, I’m learning that beautiful can exist at any age, with depth, refinement and elegance. Let us enjoy the fizzy pink princesses, without disdaining the loveliness of maturity. I’ll raise a glass to that with you.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I am not quite in my thirties yet, but I’d have to agree, the years just get better and better as they pass. Here’s to the fizzy pink ones, and the mellow red ones- Cheers!

    1. Is it a fine wine? Sure! You know what’s funny? I posted a picture for this post on Instagram with some Plexus hashtags, then these Plexus promoters start following me. And I think, dude, you clearly didn’t read the post.

  2. I must tell how you how ardently I admire this post.
    Quarter life crisis is something I identify with quite a bit.

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