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Category: Life in NYC

Moving to Our First Apartment

Moving to Our First Apartment

Last week I moved to the apartment Ian and I will share in…65 days. Moving is odd, because afterward I feel exhausted and stressed and just want to go home and veg on my own couch. And I technically can, but then I realize that my house doesn’t feel like home, and I don’t know where anything is, and there is nowhere in the whole world I can go right now that feels quite homey. Of course, the feeling wears…

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Moving Around New York City

Moving Around New York City

Honey, sit down and let me tell you the story of my life. Or more specifically, the story of all my NYC moves, and the gray hairs I have earned over them. As anyone who knows anything about New York City knows, apartment shopping here is no joke. What is the opposite of a joke… maybe a funeral? If so, apartment shopping here is a funeral. Besides the small fact that everything costs as much each month as your great-grandparents…

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Why I Am a Night Owl

Why I Am a Night Owl

Night begins when I wearily climb the stairs to my flat and kick off my heels and change into a little knit dress that feels like wearing PJs. I drop my bag and keys, and head to the kitchen to make something simple for dinner. Maybe a couple of eggs, or a large salad with whatever I happen to have in the fridge. If I have the whole evening at home and am feeling inspired, I might take the time…

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Three Years Down, Thirty To Go

Three Years Down, Thirty To Go

Have I mentioned that I moved to New York City for one year? When I packed up my small-town life and came up here on a hope and a prayer, I always thought I’d stick it out for at least one year, because anything less just isn’t giving it a proper shot. I didn’t know what would happen after that- if I would return to my comfortable North Carolina town or try a new place- but at least I would…

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Bread Around the World

Bread Around the World

See, I have this friend in Brooklyn who is my go-to for my food adventures and early last year we stumbled upon the brilliant idea of eating our way around the breads of the world, right here in New York City. The rules were simple: eat from as many different countries as possible, try to stay away from the obvious choices like pizza, eat something bready or breaded or at least starchy at each spot, and expand our palettes! Of…

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The Whirlwind Pineapple

The Whirlwind Pineapple

Hello my pineappley friends, It’s been a minute since we’ve had a chatty, catch-up sort of post, hasn’t it? I blinked and November was here, the most wonderful time of the year (sorry Andy Williams, but I’m right.), with the dry leaves skittering across the pavement, the nor’easters popping up out of nowhere and raining straight into my shoes and breaking my wonderful wind-proof umbrella, the trees turning almost garishly bright colors, and the radiators once again rattling away and…

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A Slip of a Slip

A Slip of a Slip

Dear friend, I was just utterly charmed by a tiny glimpse of a white slip on the train and I thought you might understand. I was traveling home late at night from a work event, a bit damp from the gusty rain outside, when an old lady entered the train car and sat directly across from me- well, not really old, probably only 60 or so, but she looked like life hadn’t given her many roses. You know those people…

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5 Games To Play On the Subway

5 Games To Play On the Subway

Now that the world has somewhat opened up, I once again find myself with long stretches on the train, casting about for ways to amuse myself. Although I have a trusty little office at home and don’t have daily commutes to work, I do have frequent hours on the train to church and back, as well as to other social events, and since I don’t always manage to have a book at my fingertips (sometimes I run out of mass…

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9 Steps to Becoming a Real New Yorker

9 Steps to Becoming a Real New Yorker

Before I moved here, when I spent many free hours devouring all the NYC information I could find, I often came across articles discussing how long you had to live here to actually count as a real New Yorker, or just what had to happen to you as a sort of christening before you could claim the title. Obviously, all these opinions are subjective, but ever a fan of lists, I have my own theories- my own sort of mental…

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Reasons You Should Not Live in New York City

Reasons You Should Not Live in New York City

I know NYC is not everyone’s cup of tea. When I moved here a few years ago, plenty of people made that very clear by their incredulous comments or glances, but frankly, I’m glad it’s that way. Obviously the whole world cannot live in one place, so it’s just as well that not everyone wants to, even if I feel ever so lucky I get to be here. But since I am nothing if not helpful, if you are one…

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Together Again

Together Again

Sometimes, there are no words. That’s how it feels when I consider Sunday, our first service back at church after sixteen months apart. Was it was only a dream, or was it the last sixteen months that were a bad dream from which I suddenly awoke? I find it a little hard to tell. If you’ve ever read “A Wrinkle In Time”, you might recall that in it, Madeleine L’Engle describes time as a fabric that can be wrinkled so…

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Two Years Down, Twenty to Go

Two Years Down, Twenty to Go

I feel uncertain which day I should celebrate my anniversary since it took me two days to move, but around two years ago, on the 8th and the 9th of March, I swam my way out of my old life and into this crazy adventure. And I really mean swam- it was a very soggy occasion as I said farewell to everyone I knew and set out for New York City. I remember that moment as if it was last…

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